Monday, April 26, 2010


Am sitting in the Presidio hoping it doesn't rain whilst I steal some wireless. Along the way here I saw a guy carrying a cardboard sign saying "Believe in Yourself." It made me happy.

I breakfasted at Dolores Cafe across from Dolores Park. At the park, I saw a little boy pushing an old man on a swing.

Walking down one of the monstrous hills in the City, I was passed by a skateboarder going at least 35mph. He had his hands in his pockets and was whistling. Death wish.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New life

Talk about eccentric characters.  From the profiling artists on the 14 Mission bus to Homer the homeless man outside my apartment, I fit into this city pretty fast.  Not that I am a profiling artist or homeless man, just that I am weird and this city is full of my kind.  I'm living with my friends on their couch, trying to eek out a living at 2 restaurants and pay off some debt.  I still have yet to properly explore the winding hills of San Francisco but from living in the Mission, I'm getting a good idea of what's what around here.

The Mission:

Mexican neighborhood with many gun-toting crazies trying to kill each other in gang-related activity.  Awesome murals along several blocks from talented artists who fit in with the crazies and generally fascinating residents here.  Never carry a big purse.  Or wear a skirt.  Be prepared for people asking to use your phone and/or stab you at the ATM.  Amazing top-notch tacos and burritos.  Fantastic bars and restaurants.  Funny how Mission St is the worst but if you go anywhere 2 blocks away it is infinitely nicer.  Also, you must speak un poquito espanol because shop owners will not speak ingles for you.  The best thrift stores in the city are located here.  Everything is cheap but the rent.

Did you know?

That medicinal marijuana is legal and one of the biggest cash crops of California?  It is a normal part of life in SF.  A lot of people seem to have Medicann cards and medicate themselves frequently off the products dispensed from dispensaries.  From edibles to several strains of weed and hash oil.  Smoking up (medicating) is allowed in public areas.  

The Pay Is Shit.

From just arriving from Corporate Australia to Hospitality San Francisco, I've noticed a huge monetary difference.  As in, it is almost poverty level here.  Thank you Recession.  Now is the time when people can take advantage of others and pay them next to nothing for an incredible amount of work.  Having any job is a success.

San Francisco is the prettiest city I've ever lived in hands-down.  Colorful houses, or 'painted ladies' dot the hilly streets.  Bay-views with massive bridges are common land-marks.  I really do adore it here.  Gun-toting crazies and everything.  It is America, after all.